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Empowering women transform heartbreak into an intimate self-love revolution.

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Transform Heartbreak

The concept of transforming heartbreak suggests taking the painful experience of heartbreak and using it as a catalyst to propel oneself towards a profound shift, embracing intimate self-love instead of self-criticism.

Intimate Self-Love Revolution

The intimate self-love revolution heralds a profound inner transformation, a journey of self-discovery leading to an intimate connection with one's core essence, where love blossoms from within..


The revolution aspect signifies a bold and empowering movement to dismantle the deeply ingrained patterns of self-judgment and low self-worth, and replace them with an unwavering embrace of radical self-love and self-acceptance.

The Experience

Cast aside the masks of false personas, the shackles of self-inflicted judgments, and the lingering shadows of unworthiness that heartbreak may have imposed. And rather embrace a radical and unwavering commitment to self-reconnection, unlocking the doors to an ecstatic communion with your authentic self, where the boundless joy of true self-love radiates from within.

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Kamelija S.

Working with Charlene, I realized the painful truth—I had been neglecting both my body and the woman within me. It was a profound awakening that shifted my perspective and granted me the courage to rediscover parts of myself that had long been forgotten.

Exciting News!

I summoned immense bravery and finally birthed my cherished children's book into the world— a testament to the unwavering strength and belief I discovered within.

But this transformation reached far beyond creative accomplishments. It permeated the very core of my being, resulting in a breathtaking process of releasing and shedding the layers of doubt and limitation that had kept me captive for far too long.

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Know your Worth

When love ends, it may feel like you've lost a piece of yourself. I know it's agonizing, but trust me, you remain whole. This is just a chapter, not the entire story. Breathe, be gentle with yourself. Reconnect to your essence - she's still there, loving you, waiting for you.

Remember, you have survived so much, and you will again. Hard times reveal our resilience! Cherish the joyful memories and let them lift you up. You are worthy, just as you are. No need to be anyone but your gorgeous, quirky, complex self. So don't even think about dimming that beautiful light of yours!

Healing happens in layers - feel your spirit renewing, blossoming with every victory. Sending you so much love!

Awaken Her

Awaken the essence within. Be magnetic. Be free. Be unbreakable. As you grant yourself permission to rise and embrace the fullness of your multi-dimensional nature a radiant glow emerges from the depths of your being. You finally stand tall in the power of your femininity, no longer restrained, diminished, or concealed behind a protective façade.

Shift Heartbreak

into Ecstasy

The storm has passed, and you are dancing in the sun once more. Where ragged pain once scratched at your heart's door, now ecstasy flows in with each easy breath.

Dark clouds of grief have given way to crystal clarity and joy. You have found your north star - it was within you all along.

Meet Charlene

The Intimacy Maven

My heart shattered all over again when the man I believed was my soulmate left without explanation. I was blindsided. One minute I imagined a future together, the next I was ghosted, deleted, abandoned.

The pain was excruciating. I cried endless tears and begged for another chance, clinging to any hope we could rebuild what crumbled. But my pleading met deaf ears. He had already moved on, leaving me drowning in heartbreak and confusion.

It gutted me to my core. I'd given him my everything (so I believed), believing he was The One, only to realize I'd fallen for another counterfeit of love.


Chelsea L.

You were a miracle to me. The first woman to hold me, with her voice and eyes alone, and let me feel what’s been breaking my heart my whole life. I’ll never forget you and the channel you created for vulnerability.


Joanna D.

With her unique ways to facilitate lasting transformation and her non-judgmental approach, she will help you identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and help you set goals that will take you in the direction of your best life.


Ornela S.

Asking for help after a DIVORCE is also something we should not shy away from. Resources such as Charlene when needed are such a blessing. She once said to me: "You might feel you do not have the strength now, but I am here with you, you can draw from my strength in the meantime.” Wow, what an inspiration and game changer.

"Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing... Only a person who risks is free."

Lea F. Buscagliat